Drachenglut – Dragon Embers
Multi-fruit wine with honey The combination of cherries, honey and elderberry has a refreshing and invigorating effect on hot summer days and gives a feeling of comfort on cold winter evenings. And not just because of the full-bodied taste. Drachenglut is a real treat even when heated: simply extraordinary! This wine is also ideal as an aperitif, because thanks to its strong red color it gives even the finest table a graceful touch. Drachenglut has a particularly balanced taste: honey provides a pleasant sweetness, elderberry gives the wine that certain noble tart note and cherry brings fruitiness through the sweet and sour aroma.
You can get the Drachenglut in three different sizes
0.5 liter elixir bottle
0.75 liter amphora
1.0 liter bottle